Northshore Campus (Marathon)

Situated on Lake Superior's rugged and picturesque north shore, Marathon is known for its proximity to Pukaskwa National Park. The town has a history in pulp and paper production and now focuses on mining. Residents and visitors enjoy hiking, kayaking, and exploring the rugged coastline.

If you are a current student, a new applicant, or simply pursuing additional information about the programs and services we provide, please feel free to contact any of our staff members. We would be happy to assist you.

The Northshore Campus, located in Marathon, Ontario offers a wide variety of programs to meet the education and training needs of the Marathon area.

Our programs range from full-time postsecondary diploma programs, full-time and part-time certificate programs, continuing education courses, general interest courses and other education training opportunities.


Virtual Tour


Please contact us if you require additional information about our programs or services.
Our office hours of operation are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.


Land Acknowledgement

The Northshore Campus, Marathon is located in the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg peoples of Netmizaaggaming Nishnaabeg, a signatory to the Robin-Superior Treaty of 1850. We also recognize the presence of other First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples who live in the area. Finally, we recognize and acknowledge that our students come from all over Turtle Island. We honour their enduring connection to this land and commit to working together for a sustainable future.

Campus Locations and Contact Information

Northshore Campus (Marathon)
2 Ontario St., Suite 11, Box 520, Marathon
P0T 2E0
Academic Services Assistant & Student Success Advisor
Julie Chevrier
Classroom & Resource Assistant
Kody Mackie-Hann
Manager, Eastern Campuses
Greg Vallance