Alumni Relations

Our Alumni Program Focuses On Engaging and Supporting Graduates in a Variety of Ways

Stay connected with Confederation College's Alumni Program and take advantage of engagement activities, exclusive benefits, and services. Help support our students and programs through philanthropic opportunities and engage with alumni volunteers in student and academic programming. Consider volunteering, planning a reunion, or making a gift to support an area that is important to you. Stay up-to-date with our quarterly newsletter and social media updates. Keep us informed of your whereabouts and accomplishments, and share your ideas with us to help us continually grow and develop. Join our community and stay connected with Confederation College.

What do we focus our efforts on?

  • Providing value to our alumni and former students through a variety of engagement activities and exclusive benefits and services
  • Promoting philanthropic opportunities that support our students and the College’s priorities and programs
  • Support students and faculty members to engage alumni volunteers in student and academic programming
  • Engage and steward alumni volunteers and donors for their contributions to Confederation College. 

How can you help? Consider volunteering, planning a reunion, or making a gift to support an area that is important to you.



Follow along on social for updates


Tell Us What You’re Up To …

We want to include your story (with pictures if you like) in a new “Where Are They Now?” section. Tell us your story, or send your comments and questions to [email protected]

Update Your Contact Info


Tell us what you think

Do you have ideas of your own about what you would like to see Alumni Services bring to the membership? We would love to hear from you!


Our Alumni Program is designed to make our graduates always feel connected and welcome at Confederation College, even after their student days are over. Events are one way. Events are in the works and you can read about them in future editions of this new quarterly newsletter.


Alumni Pin

Confederation College Image

Another way is by wearing an Alumni Pin. During the past year, we’ve been giving them to alumni at the President’s Breakfast, company coffee break events, and other alumni gatherings. The card attached says it all – we hope you wear this pin with pride and stay connected to Confederation College.

That sums up what “alumni” means to me: the pride and the awareness of belonging to something bigger. The Alumni Pin is a nice reminder of that. If you haven’t gotten yours already, contact me and I’ll update your information and send you out your own personal Alumni Pin.

Confederation College Alumni Services strives to work in partnership with past, present and future students by providing ongoing representation and service to current students and graduates. We continually work to instill a sense of pride among graduates and the community while continuing to grow and develop. Help us stay connected to you. Join us on LinkedIn, follow us on Facebook or contact us by email. We would love to hear from you!

Don’t forget to ensure your contact information is up-to-date so we can keep you in the loop about all the exciting things happening at Confederation College.