Domestic Student Health & Dental Plan

All full-time domestic post-secondary students at Confederation College are enrolled in the Student Health & Dental Plan and are covered from September 1 – August 31. The plan, administered by SUCCI, provides affordable health insurance designed especially for students on fixed incomes. Visit for more information about the different plans and coverage - it is a very helpful site and can answer any questions that you my have! You can chat live with an operator if you want to ask if a specific question, for example: Is your specific prescription covered? Download claim forms, track your claim and more!
For more information about your Health Plan Options (Opt-Out, Flex Your Plan or Opt In)
COVERAGE BEGINS September 1st and ENDS August 31st EACH Academic Year!
NOTE: For students starting as a NEW student in January, your coverage beings January 1st
Find Out More About Your Benefits & Coverage
To use the plan, students will need the following information:
Policy # 97200
Group # 513973
Provider: ClaimSecure
Student ID: M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (last 9 digits of your Student Card)
General Questions?: 1-800-315-1108
Dental Office Questions?: 1-888-513-4464