Check Program Availability
Full-time Programs for Domestic Students
All applications received by the Ontario College Application Service by 11:59 p.m. on February 1st for the Fall semester programs and by 11:59 p.m. on March 1st for the Winter semester programs, will be given first admission consideration. The “current status” of programs will begin to change early February for Fall programs and early March for Winter programs. You can check on the up-to-date status of our current programs at
View which programs are open for application for Fall 2025 (PDF)
View which programs are open for application for Spring 2025 (PDF)
View which programs are open for application for Winter 2026 (PDF)
Visit to apply now!
Full-time Programs for International Students
Confederation College is in high demand by international students & programs fill up quickly.
View the current status of a program.
Part-time Programs
Our Continuing Education department offers flexible part-time programs designed to meet the needs of students who must consider work and family in their lifelong learning plans. Students can choose from an extensive selection of part-time courses, programs and online course equivalencies in a variety of traditional and non-traditional delivery formats.
Program Status Definitions
- Open — means that we are still accepting applications for the program.
- Waitlist — means that we have sent Offers of Admission to fill the available program seats; however, it is feasible that we would contact applicants on a waiting list by the start of classes to fill seats that open up. Please be advised that confirming a seat in one program will not remove an applicant from a waitlist in another program. It is important that applicants keep their contact information up to date over the summer so we can contact them quickly if a seat becomes available.
- Closed — means that we are no longer able to accept applications to the program. It is not feasible that an applicant would be contacted from a program waitlist by the start of classes.
- Suspended — means that the College has suspended the program and it will not be offered in that semester.