Transcript Request Form (Registration Services)

To request a transcript please fill in the web form below.

Transcripts will be mailed from the College within 5 business days.
Please note this does not include Canada Post delivery times. 

We cannot process this request without your “electronic signature”. Due to the confidential nature of a student’s record, we are unable to accept telephone requests. Please note that many institutions require official transcripts released directly to them with the College seal.

Transcripts will not be issued unless all outstanding fees to the College have been cleared.

When applying to an Ontario College or University you should request your official postsecondary transcripts through the Ontario College Application Service Online Services or the Ontario University Application Service Online Services at Be sure to request the appropriate number of official College/University transcripts (one official transcript for each College destination).

Number of Copies (5 max)

* Indicates required field
Student Info
Address of Sender
Would you like us to update your address based on this information?
Mailing Information
Address of Recipient 1
Address of Recipient 2
Address of Recipient 3

Please Note:

1. There is no fee for transcripts.
2. Transcripts of courses taken prior to 2005, allow 2 to 4 weeks for processing. Transcripts of courses taken after 2005, allow 1 week for processing.
3. Applicant is responsible for accuracy for all information and address(es) on the form.
4. Transcript requests are accepted in person, by mail, fax or at
5. Transcripts will not be issued unless all outstanding fees to the College have been paid.
6. It is the student's responsibility to review your academic record for accuracy.
I understand and agree that by submitting this form, it is the equivalent of my electronic signature and will be treated as if a signed form was submitted to Registration Services.