Ordering a PC Computer (Computer Services)

Service Description

All PC computer (desktop, laptop, and tablet) hardware to be used at the College must be purchased through the Computer Services Help Desk (as per College policy 7-2-02: Procurement of Information Technology Resources).  This standardized and centralized purchasing of PC equipment is done to ensure that:

  • Proper College purchasing policies are consistently followed by all College departments/users
  • Competitive/consistent pricing is obtained on all PC equipment purchases
  • PC equipment purchased meets the technical and supported standards of the Computer Services department.

The Computer Services Help Desk currently has two preferred PC vendors for supplying PC equipment for the College:

  1. Dell Canada
  2. Apple Canada

The Help Desk has arranged with each of the above two preferred PC vendors, special competitive pricing on standard models of PC hardware.  These standard PC model configurations include desktops, laptops, as well as tablets.

Who Can Use This Service

Only College staff and faculty (not students) may order PC equipment through the Computer Services Help Desk.

Access and Availability

If a College staff or faculty member wishes to purchase a PC, they must first contact the Computer Services Help Desk (telephone: 475-6488, or e-mail: [email protected]).  From here the general purchasing procedure as follows:

  1. Designated Help Desk Technician for purchasing PC equipment gathers PC requirements from user.
  2. Help Desk Technician provides an e-quote for pricing of requested PC hardware from preferred PC vendor.
  3. If user wishes to proceed with purchase, that staff person’s department must provide an account code to cover the cost of the purchase.
  4. Upon receipt of approval for purchase and an account code from the user, Help Desk Technician will create a trouble-ticket in the service desk tracking system software as well as place the actual order with the vendor.
  5. Once PC equipment arrives at the College, Help Desk Technician updates the trouble-ticket to indicate the equipment is onsite and being prepared for deployment.
  6. Once the PC equipment has been setup with proper College software image & other necessary configurations, the new PC equipment is deployed to the user.  Trouble-ticket is then updated to ‘Completed’ status.
  7. Help Desk Technician then processes billing/payment for the order.

Note: while most College staff/faculty departments are responsible for paying for any PC equipment purchased for them, there are some cases where the College may centrally fund PC equipment purchases (i.e. staff/faculty PC renewal project funds, and student computer labs).  Such requests are still arranged for and made through the Computer Services Help Desk.