Password Security Policy (Computer Services)

College Network Account Password Security Policy

Computer Services has implemented a strengthened user password policy, as recommended by the College Auditors. It is consistent with industry norms for user passwords and applies to all College computer account holders (students and employees). Here.

Most College systems and applications including workstation logins, Outlook e-mail, Blackboard, and Banner SSB all use your central (single) College network account to authenticate you. Changing your password on your College network account affects the password you use to login to ALL of these resources. Account passwords for some other applications used at the College (like Math/Science TLM) are separate from the main College account.

Password Requirements

Under the policy, all user passwords will be required to meet the following restrictions in order to be accepted by the system:

  • Be a minimum of 15 characters in length (try using a ‘passphrase’ for a password that is easy for you to remember)
  • Cannot contain a combination characters resembling your name or account username
  • Cannot have the words ‘Confederation’ or ‘College’ in it

Note: Passwords entered that do not meet all of the above security standards will be rejected by the system.

How To Change Your Password

Depending on your location you will need to follow one of the two sets of instructions below:

1) College employees who are located at the Thunder Bay campus (including ACE) or at some regional campuses including Dryden, Kenora and Sioux Lookout who are directly tied into the College's network domain can follow the instructions below to change their password:

Click here for instructions on how to change your main College network account password (PDF File)

2) For College employees who are NOT located at the Thunder Bay campus and who are not connected to the College's network including Fort Frances, Marathon, Longlac, regional Job Connect sites, as well as some other remote areas can follow the instructions below to change their password:

Click here for instructions on how to change your account password using Web Access Outlook e-mail (PDF File)