Video Counselling

Video counselling is available for students through the Bridging the Distance program.

Bridging the DistanceVideo technology allows for all students to have access to counselling and other student services offered at the main campus in Thunder Bay. Research shows that video counselling can be as effective as in-person counselling.

Each regional campus is equipped with a dedicated space for Bridging the Distance services. A dedicated space is a private office equipped with easy-to-use video conferencing technology. All students need to do is show up.

Students who are not able to access a regional campus to utilize a dedicated space may choose to access video counselling utilizing their personal computer if they have a video camera and a suitable internet connection.

To make an appointment:

Contact the main office at your regional campus or the Student Success Centre in Thunder Bay.

Student Success Centre: (807) 475-6618 or Toll Free (833) 330-1550