FOI Collection Notice - Standard


Collection Notice Disclaimer

When collecting personal information on an individual (including faculty, staff, students and other community members), FIPPA requires that the individual be notified of the collection.  This notification is called a collection notice and must be located on any form that requires the collection of personal information


Here is the standard Collection Notice that can be copied and pasted to forms that are used to collect personal information, and originate from your department:


Personal information on this form is collected in accordance with sections 21, 39 and 43 of the Freedom Of Information And Protection Of Privacy Act and under the legal authority of the Ministry Of Training, Colleges And Universities Act, R.S.O. 1990, and the Ontario Colleges Of Applied Arts And Technology Act, 2002, Regulations 34/03, and will be used to [specify purpose for collecting the personal information].  Should you have any questions concerning your personal information, please contact the privacy officer at (807) 475-6267.


  • Place disclaimer at the bottom of all forms that contain personal information;
  • Fill in the sections to specify the purpose for collecting the personal information; and
  • Send all forms to Human Resources for review prior to implementation.

For further information:

Please review privacy policies that are located on the Confederation College website under the Freedom of Information Department webpage:

  • Collection of Personal Information - Coming Soon;
  • Use, Access, and Disclosure of Personal Information - Coming Soon; and
  • Records Retention - Coming Soon.

If the information that you are collecting is going to be shared with other departments an additional statement must be included in the disclaimer disclosing the details of what will be share and with whom.