Direct Borrowing Agreement with CAAT Libraries

A college staff member or student may borrow from any participating CAAT library with the following provisions:

  • Each borrower from a CAAT (College of Applied Arts + Technology) library which participates in Direct Borrowing is responsible for the safe return or replacement of material borrowed or for any charges incurred. Only circulating material as defined by the lending library may be borrowed. A lending library may restrict some materials for use only by its own students. Community or extramural borrowers are excluded from direct borrowing.


  • The prospective borrower must have a current ID Card which has been issued to the borrower by the home college. The borrower must present this card to the circulation desk at the lending library for validation and must fill out any required registration forms to establish a local address. Collateral identification may be required and/or a refundable deposit made. If no expiry date is shown on the home college ID, the lending college may request verification of current status.

Length of Loan

  • The loan period will be defined by the lending library. The renewal system in effect at the lending library will apply at the discretion of that library.

Type of Material

  • The procedures apply only to circulating materials as defined by the lending library. Some materials may only be used in the library. Reserve or other heavily used materials may not be available to participants in Direct Borrowing.


  • The fine and fee schedules for overdue and recalled books in operation at the lending library will apply to all borrowers.
  • It is borrower's responsibility to be aware of possible charges.
  • The borrower is responsible for fines incurred.
  • The home library may be contacted regarding delinquent borrowers and may be requested to assist in the retrieval of material or the collection of fines.
  • Borrowing privileges in the home college library may be suspended until obligations to the lending library have been met. Other penalties such as withholding of marks may be applied.

Damaged or Lost Books

  • Borrowers are responsible for material borrowed in their names.
  • Lost items must be reported promptly to the lending library’s circulation department.
  • Borrowers losing books, failing to return books or returning them in damaged condition are subject to replacement charges as determined by the lending library.


  • The lending library may withdraw borrowing privileges from any borrower who abuses the provisions of the Direct borrowing Agreement.

Return Policy

  • All Items must be returned to the lending library unless special circumstances apply and arrangements are made.