Internal Room Booking Request Form (Staff and Students ONLY)

This room booking form is to be used by faculty for course specific needs (i.e., make-up classes, tests and other items directly related to your course) or students needing space for course work. This form will be e-mailed to: [email protected] and you will get a confirmation email with your booking details.

NOTE: ALL fields must be completed, or the form will not get submitted.

The Scheduling Office requires room booking requests to be submitted by email at least 5 days before the requested date. Once processed by the scheduling staff a confirmation email will be sent to you.

* Indicates required field
Contact Info
If staff, please put N/A.
Booking Info
* If unsure check your timetable for the Section # i.e. H01 or contact the Academic Support Officer (ASO) for your school for course information. If an activity, enter NA.
(Why needed - i.e. presentation, test, makeup class, etc ) - CANNOT PROCESS WITHOUT THIS INFORMATION
Building Requested for booking
Classroom, computer room, lab if room specific supply room number(s) NOTE: Lab requests might require further authorization for use)
(If unknown supply minimum size room required if applicable)
(Other options for flexibility if not applicable enter NA) Examples of Alternate Choices: Can time be shortened for request? Can rooms be changed? Can start/end times be altered? Different Building? Room type flexibility? (NOTE: Suggestions offered if request is unavailable and alternate options are supplied or given)