Optional Telephone Plan for Students in Residence
Long Distance Telephone Plan
Confederation College offers a land line telephone and long distance service to students living in Residence. No resident is under any obligation to use this service, or any other service for long distance. It is being provided primarily for your convenience.
Q. How does it work?
A. Residence will provide a telephone at the student’s request. The College allows students at the Residence to make long distance calls through this telephone switch. To make a long distance call:
- Pick up the handset and wait for dial tone
- Dial '9' to get an outside line and wait for the dial tone.
- Dial '1' + (area code) + (phone number)
Q. How much does it cost?
A. Long distance billing rates vary by location called. North American calls are billed at $0.07 / minute. There is a minimum long distance connect charge of $0.07 for calls placed that are under one minute in length.
Q. Where do I pay my telephone bill?
A. Long distance telephone bills are distributed at the Residence on the first week of each month. Payment must be made within two weeks of receiving the bill. The billing period is always from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. (Ex. October 1st to October 31st). Bills can be paid at the Residence front desk or at the Challis Resource Centre. The Residence currently accepts payment by Visa or Debit card. The Resource Centre accepts Cash, Visa or Debit payment.