Continuity of Education Plan


Throughout the pandemic, Confederation College transformed how it operated daily to align with federal, provincial and municipal directives and minimize the spread and impact of the illness on the College community.

As we transition to a post-pandemic world, we also need to revise and update our plan to respond to any future crisis or emergency that forces the physical buildings to be closed or changes in how we deliver services.

While the recent pandemic necessitated a change in how Confederation College operates daily, some of these changes have remained in place as we have moved to a “Normal” status. In anticipation of a future shift in education delivery, this document outlines the College’s current strategy.


The goal of this plan is to ensure that Confederation College:

  • Maintains confidence among students, faculty and staff that we will be able to effectively respond to a crisis requiring a change in regular service or closure
  • Protects the College community
  • Prioritizes academic delivery and recruitment
  • Incorporates recommendations from the Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) and/or a pandemic task force that incorporates members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee


The post-pandemic campus strategy includes the understanding that:

    • Confederation College is now an institution with dynamic learning and resource delivery methods
    • Certain pandemic-level health and safety protocols remain in place to ensure the well-being of students, faculty and staff
    • There is still the potential risk of outbreaks of current and future variants, as well as other transmissible illnesses
    • There is no one-size-fits-all approach that covers the entire college
    • The continuity plan is informed by various internal factors, including the JHSC and Senior Team, along with external factors that will impact Confederation College’s ability to move forward. The plan remains flexible and can be customized as required.

    Factors and Influences Impacting the Continuity of Education Plan

    Planning Components

    A phased approach with multiple planning components is required to ensure the continuity of education. The components allow the College to move from one phase to another, in either direction as required.

    Student and Employee Wellness

    The plan:

    • Ensures alignment with guidelines from public health authorities
    • Prepares students and employees for emergency or health closures or transitions to alternate methods of education delivery
    • Ensures students and employees are aware of the resources in place that can help in stressful situations
    • Ensures personal protective equipment (PPE) is available as required/suggested
    • Ensures that ancillary operations have a plan in place that is consistent with the College plan

    On-Campus Learning and Work

    The plan ensures that Critical security measures and screening procedures are put into place when required. Some of these measures could include:

    • Access control, such as the prohibition of visitors
    • Reducing the number of entrances to direct occupants to monitored routes with clear signage and overseen by Security as required
    • Regular patrols by Security
    • Screening procedures upon entry and prior via the SAFE Campus app and approval requirements for entry and students return to a structured and safe physical environment by ensuring that barriers, wayfinding and notices are in place and understandable (e.g., unidirectional hallways, closed-off areas, signage for sanitizer stations, designated entries/exits, etc.)


    Extensive communication with all members of the College community will be required before, during and after work and learning returns to campus. Such communication will include the following:

    • Return to campus protocols
    • Policies and procedures
    • Information about any restrictions in place

    Communication channels will include employee and student email, employee and student online news feeds, the SAFE Campus app, social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), on-campus digital screens, the College website and physical signage.

    Phased Approach

    By taking a phased approach, Confederation College can structure a safe “return by date” and location and ensure the ability to ramp up or scale back appropriately as required. There are 3 parts to the phased approach described below.

    Full Closure - Essential Services Only

    Overall Requirements:

    • Campus remains closed to students and non-essential staff
    • All services delivered online or via distance education, except for essential services as defined by public health and safety guidelines

    Building Access:

    • All campus entrance doors are locked, except one that Security monitors.
    • Prior approval for entry onto campus is required via Senior Team approval
    • If required, screening is conducted by Security using the SAFE Campus app
    • All employees and contractors must follow in place health and safety guidelines when entering a campus building


    • Increased cleaning/sanitizing protocols enacted if required as per Provincial guidelines

    Physical Distancing and PPE Measures:

    • As directed by public health directives, distancing or PPE measures will be put in place
    • PPE will be made available to essential staff if required

    Partial Opening – With Controls

    Overall Requirements:

    • Campus is open with limitations on some services
    • Academic services may be delivered in person or remotely at the direction of the Senior Team
    • Social events and in-person meetings are subject to public health & safety guidelines

    Building Access:

    • Campus entrance doors may be monitored as required by public health & safety guidelines.
    • Prior approval for entry onto campus may be required via Senior Team approval
    • If required, screening is conducted by Security using the SAFE Campus app
    • All employees and contractors must follow in place health & safety guidelines when entering a campus building


    • Increased cleaning/sanitizing protocols are enacted if required as per Provincial guidelines

    Physical Distancing and PPE Measures:

    • As directed by public health directives, distancing or PPE measures will be put in place
    • PPE will be made available to essential staff if required

    Return to Normal

    Overall Requirements: 

    Full return to Confederation College with all services and academic areas operating within the normal pre-crisis/emergency protocol.

    Building Access:

    • All campus entrances are open
    • All common areas are open


    Standard cleaning protocols based on pre-crisis/emergency procedures, with adaptations if required

    Physical Distancing and PPE Measures: 

    As defined by public health authorities.

    Last Updated: March 2023