Lockdown Drills (SAFE Campus)

 Lockdown Drills

While we expect our College to be a safe place for work and study, we need to be prepared, should an emergency arise. To that end, the College has developed three new Emergency Protocols: “Shelter in Place”, “Hold & Secure”, and “Lockdown”. 

“Shelter in Place” is implemented in the case of an external environmental threat in the vicinity of the college. The “Hold and Secure” procedure is initiated when a situation, which poses no immediate threat to students or staff, is proximate to, but not inside the building. A “Lockdown” response is prompted when danger is present on the college site, and the safety of students, staff and the public is threatened.

(A full list of instructions for each protocol is available at: www.confederationcollege.ca/publicsafety/procedures.)

As an opportunity to learn and practice the lockdown protocol, we hold regular lockdown drills. As with fire drills, lockdown drills are part of our normal emergency practice during the fall and winter semesters.

In preparation for the lockdown drill, you should be aware of the following:

  • The monitors will have a posting indicating that a drill will be held that day.
  • Everyone in the building at the time of the drill will be expected to participate in the drill.
  • During the lockdown drill, your objective will be to remain “out of sight” and “out of mind”, in order to stay “out of harm’s way”. A potential armed intruder should not be able to see you or to hear you.
  • You will be notified by public announcement when the lockdown drill has started.
  • When you hear the announcement, quickly:
    • Enter the nearest room.
    • Close doors, locking or barricading them when possible.
    • Close windows and window coverings; turn off lights.
    • Move away from doors and windows.
    • Maintain silence.  Turn off cell phones and electronic devices. Do not use electronic devices (including computers) to monitor events.
    • Do not call Security or the Switchboard for information.
    • When you hear an announcement advising that the drill is over, you may resume regular activities.

For further information about the drills, also see:  www.confederationcollege.ca/publicsafety/resources-for-faculty

As lockdown drills are learning opportunities for everyone, we are eager to get your feedback, comments and questions: your input will help us to refine our emergency protocols.  E-mail:  [email protected]

Working together, we build a safe and healthy learning community.