Parking - SAFE Campus

A word of caution

Authorized sales agents

The only authorized sales agents for Confederation College parking permits is Confederation College Public Safety 

Authorized use

Permit-holders are not allowed to re-sell, loan or transfer their permits to anyone else, for any reason. (No longer need your parking permit? Refunds are available.)


View Confederation College Traffic and Parking Regulations


Parking Tickets

And then there's “the fine print”.

Yes, we issue parking tickets

Because we expect everyone who shares the use of our parking lots to pay their share, we issue parking tickets to vehicles that don't appear to be in compliance with the parking permit and meter requirements of our Traffic and Parking Regulations. 

(We also issue parking tickets for other reasons. For example, if you park on the lawn, or you park on a pedestrian crosswalk.)

We're happy to discuss your parking concerns. 

If you get a parking ticket and you don't understand why you received it, please come in and discuss it with us. We'd be happy to help you solve the problem so that you don't get another ticket. Our office is in Shuniah Room B106 (Facilities Services).

In any case, please don't ignore your tickets, as it can get costly.

And, yes, we also tow vehicles

Sometimes folks who receive parking tickets choose to ignore them. In those cases, we do tow vehicles.

(Just a note: towing can be very costly, as you'll need to pay your parking tickets, pay the towing company and then obtain a parking permit in order to continue parking on campus. It's best to come in and discuss your parking tickets with us, rather than ignoring them.)