Severe Weather Advice / Winter on Foot / Winter Driving (SAFE Campus)

Severe Weather Advice.

Environment Canada’s Weather Service issues weather watches and warnings via radio and television, via Weatheradio, and on the web at

“Weather watches” indicate that conditions are favourable for a severe storm. “Weather warnings” indicate that severe weather is happening or hazardous weather is highly probable.

Winter on Foot.

Avoid winter trips and falls:

  • Walk. Don’t run. Wear boots or shoes with rubber soles, good treads and low heels. Use footwear traction devices.
  • Avoid shortcuts, particularly ones that take you over snow banks.
  • When leaving a building or vehicle, always check your traction before putting your weight on your foot. Use handrails.
  • Copy the penguins! Turn your toes out slightly, and take small, slow steps while travelling on icy surfaces. 

Winter Driving.

Winter demands defensive driving:

  • The speed limit on campus is 30 kilometers per hour under ideal conditions. Reduce speeds when roads are icy, wet or snow-covered.
  • Reduce speeds further when approaching crosswalks. Stop when there are pedestrians in the crosswalk. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians crossing in areas not designated as crosswalks.
  • Check road conditions and weather conditions before leaving on road trips. Skip or delay the trip if driving conditions are not ideal.
  • Travel with a cell phone or a satellite phone.
  • Establish a call-in schedule with someone in your department / school:  make sure that person knows where you are going, when you will arrive and what to do if you if you don’t report in as scheduled.

BONUS TIP:  Pack a winter survival kit for your vehicle.  Include a flashlight and batteries;  blanket or sleeping bag;  extra winter clothing;  first aid kit;  jumper cables;  scraper and brush;  shovel;  storm candles for heat;  matches;  a tin can to melt snow;  instant soup, tea or coffee;  high energy food, such as nuts or chocolate;  sand, road salt or kitty litter for traction;  extra fuses;  basic tools and replacement parts (eg. fan belt);  flares or reflectors;  and, an emergency supply of prescription drugs.