FAQ's for Students (Co-op & Work Placement Services)


What would count as a co-op work term during this time?

Across all colleges in Ontario and Canada, the co-op program is adopting a flexible approach to approving co-op work terms. Points of flexibility include:

  • A  Job Description (Posting) will be required prior to approval of all co-op work terms.  To obtain a blank Job Description form contact your Co-op Representative.
  • Work from home arrangements must be approved by the Program Coordinator to be permitted
  • Out-of-province work terms are permitted
  • International work terms will not be permitted
  • Minimum duration of co-op,  10 weeks to maximum 16 weeks
  • Hours per week of 28 to 40 hours

Please note that the above are guidelines. Confederation College is operating with a high degree of flexibility regarding approval of co-op work terms. If you have a self-developed opportunity which you would like to present for approval as a co-op term, but does not meet the above guidelines, please discuss with your Co-op Representative, or your Program Coordinator.


Will staff find me a work term?

No - but we give you all the tools and support you need to help you.

All students enrolled in co-op are required to successfully complete the Pre-employment Preparation Workshops prior to participating in any work term. These sessions help students develop life-long employment preparation and job search skills, including accessing the hidden job market and establishing realistic workplace expectations. The Co-op Office develops and posts postsecondary program employment opportunities following which students apply to and compete for these postings. Additionally, all co-op students are required to actively take part in their own job search in order to increase their co-op prospects.

Confederation College cannot guarantee the student a work term. The student’s investment of preparation time, resume and interview skills, and the current job market will have influence on the outcome. Traditionally students who are found to be most successful in securing a work term are those who plan and begin their job search early, utilizing tools provided in the preparation classes and who take ownership of their own job search.

I have a company in mind for my work term - can I use it for my co-op?

Yes - provided that it is a suitable work environment and the related duties of the position augment with your educational learning. All work terms must be pre-approved before applying by the Co-op Office, prior to accepting the position. A job description and a signed Student/Employer Work Term Agreement will be required.

Alternative Co-op Work Term:  The option to work in a family-operated business is open for discussion.  One of the major requirements being that someone other than a relative supervise and evaluate the students' work performance.  In meeting the learning outcomes of a postsecondary program all alternative work terms will be addressed through the Co-op Office in discussion with your Program Coordinator.

Is there a cost for co-op?

Yes.  Registered co-op students are required to pay a fee to help cover co-op services provided.  Some of which include:

  • Employer events on campus;;
  • Collection and posting of program appropriate job opportunities out to relevant programs;
  • Collection of student applications, cover letters and resumes and delivery to employer;
  • Organizing and scheduling job interviews;
  • Providing direction on job search training and career guidance inquiries;
  • Conducting Mid-Term monitors and Final Performance Evaluations of the Student;
  • Responding to students concerns as they arise.

Where will I work as a student?

Students can work in a wide variety of industry sectors locally, regionally and nationally to complete a work term. We encourage students to consider other places they would like to live, work and play. The Pre-Employment Preparation Workshops are a must for those who have never considered moving away from home. If you plan to pursue a work term with a company outside of your community speak with a member of your Co-op Team.  It is in your best interest to address this early as there are other factors that need to be considered such as moving expense, transportation, becoming acquainted with a new environment and more.

What are the eligibility requirements to take part in Co-operative Education?

  1. The student must be attending Confederation College full time
  2. The student must complete all previous (to co-op) semester courses successfully

What if I want to quit my work term?

  • Students are not permitted to quit a co-op work term without consulting the Co-op Office first. If circumstances arise that make it necessary for students to leave their work term (with the exception of your immediate safety), contact must occur with the College, prior to any action/decision being taken.  If the work term is not working out to the student's advantage, intervention at an early stage may rectify the situation.  Barring special circumstances, a student quitting their work term without first discussing this with the Co-op Office may be excluded from future work terms and, in the case of mandatory co-op,  jeopardize graduation eligibility .