Stock The Bank Resources


It's Day Eight of the STOCK THE BANK CHALLENGE 2023 and we are officially in the final days of the competition to go to donate non-perishables, support a fundraiser and give through payroll giving with the Advancement Department! There are just so ways to support Stock The Bank this season of giving!  Checkout the many departmental fundraisers happening around the college for more chances to participate, support and win!  
There is no change to the leaders on the Leaderboard Today:

LARGE TEAMS - Facility Services, Wellness Centre, Best Cleaners & Security
SMALL TEAMS - Paterson Library Commons & Follett
ACADEMIC TEAMS - School of Health, Negahneewin & Community Services (Faculty Included)

Giving continues UNTIL FRIDAY DECEMBER 1st AT NOON, and there are many amazing opportunities to give!  

STB Leaderboard Day 8


Also A Correction to Yesterday's Leaderboard for Day 7 - IT, Computer services & Print shop held the lead in the small teams division on day 7.

STB Leaderboard Day 7

History of the Stock the Bank Challenge

SUCCI has spearheaded the “Stock the Bank” food and fundraising campaign to benefit the Emergency Student Foodbank for the past 17 years. It is through the generosity of our college community that this annual campaign, supported by college staff has raised over $215,260 in support of students in need.   In addition, the donation of over 9000 non-perishable food items has kept the food bank shelves stocked for most of the years.  Stock The Bank began in 2006 as a way of supporting the college food bank which at the time was seriously depleted.  College departments were divided into teams to compete against one another to see who could bring in the most items.  Items and dollars are valued equally one for one.  We have continued this tradition for 17 years bringing new twists and incentives to help STOCK THE BANK for students in need!



In past years we have expanded to help serve students more effectively by servicing “foodbank in a box” outlets in the Aviation Centre, McIntyre building, as well as the main access point at the SUCCI Office. We continue to provide the option for after hours/discreet access through a locker service in the Shuniah, McIntyre and Aviation Centre.  We have adjusted the standard food bag to ensure we meet the dietary needs of our students including introducing both a vegetarian and gluten free bag.

We continue to find the right balance of letting the students and the community know we have a food bank for students while ensuring a bag of food is provided to students in need.  Students in a greater need for more than one access in the semester are provided with an additional bag of food. Through your generosity we have the opportunity to do more.



It is our belief that the need for students in emergency is greater than just access to food.  Students are often faced with unforeseen emergency situations which often threaten the possibility of completion of their studies.  Some of these needs cannot be met through the current supports in place. In 2017 we created “THE STUDENT EMERGENCY FUND” which continues to fund the Emergency Student Foodbank. Additionally it provides the opportunity to set aside funds which can used to provide to students who present to Financial Aid under emergency circumstances and may not meet the criteria for an emergency loan or bursary.  During the pandemic, the Student Emergency Fund was merged with the COVID-19 Emergency Fund, to provide broader support to students.



This year, SUCCI has once again teamed up with the College’s Advancement Department to organize our 18th annual “Stock the Bank” Challenge. This is your department or school’s opportunity to shine! Compete against others at Confederation to see who is truly the most generous.  You can donate cash ($1= 1 point), non perishable food items (1 item = 1 point or items from our NEED LIST* = 5 points), the Bread and Butter Voluntary Wage Donation (1 hour wage donation = 75 points), and last but not least by donating to the United Way Campaign and specifying Student Emergency Fund (United Way Donation to Foodbank =100 points).


STB Needs List



The collection campaign will start on Monday, November 20th and continue until Friday, December 1st (a two week period). Each day we will provide updates via staff news, and email to team captains with your team’s current standing. On this chart you will be compared to the other collection teams in your category. “What if we want to directly challenge another department?” Feel Free. We encourage friendly competition (and not so friendly, but don’t forget RESPECT!).




Employees are encouraged to donate one (or more) hour of their gross wage that day through a voluntary tax-deductible donation to be made directly to the Student Emergency Fund and College Food Bank. (This deduction will not affect your pension or benefits) by completing the web form linked on your portal in Staff News before November 24, 2023.  Any employee participating in this deduction donation will receive 75 points per hour towards their team donation total. 


Donations to the Bread & Butter fundraiser could tip the scales!  All points will be added to Team Totals on Friday November 24th, 2023. Tax receipts will be used for your donation.




Stock The Bank Wrap Up