SDG Highlights
Energy on Campus



- Operate of the BioEnergy Learning and Research Centre to heat the Shuniah Building with biomass (woodchips from urban tree management operations) to offset the use of natural gas heating and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Recipient of $1.3 million from Natural Resources Canada’s Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program (SREP) funding to increase our capacity to achieve net-zero carbon facilities, including the development of a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Roadmap and Action Plan, and develop curriculum for net zero and sustainability.
- Operate renewable energy generation systems including solar, wind and geothermal which provide a combined maximum capacity of more than 700 kW. Additionally utilize battery storage technology to offset our energy usage during peak demand times.
Water on Campus



- Banned the sale of single use plastic water bottles on campus and have installed 15 water bottle refill stations across all buildings on campus in Thunder Bay.
- Implemented riparian zone improvements, habitat restoration, and revegetation along the campus portion of the McIntyre River to improve habitat and water quality in the watershed. Additionally, enacted No Mow Zones along the river to support riverbank stabilization.
- Developed Low Impact Development sites (LIDs) to mitigate flooding and protect aquatic ecosystems from stormwater runoff, the LIDs are also used as a teaching tool in the Environmental Technician program.
Strong Partnerships and Engagement



- Participated in the inaugural nationwide SDG Week, a collaboration amongst Canadian colleges and universities to showcase and accelerate the SDGs on campuses, and provided several SDG focused events for students to participate in.
- The second college in Ontario to sign the SDG Accord, a commitment made by learning institutions to deliver the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our organization.
- SUCCI and Confederation College hosted 6 Culture Talks throughout 2022 – 2023, an event series to educate and promote awareness to the college community on various cultures to support equity, diversity, and inclusion.


- Implemented the use of DocuSign in 2020 for College business and have saved over 125,000 pages of paper so far.
- Campus food provider, Sodexo, introduced Verde, which offers completely plant-based food options in the main cafeteria.
- Participate in the annual Active Community Challenge led by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit to challenge people to actively commute to work. In 2023, our participants actively commuted 5,026 km.



- Offer various events and promotions to students through Mental Wellness Matters initiatives. These initiatives offer students the opportunity to support their mental health during the school year.
- Onsite Health Centre provides health and wellness services to students and staff, offering a broad range of medical services and health promotion strategies that support our diverse population.
- The Dental Clinic offers affordable preventative dental hygiene to Thunder Bay including staff and students. The Clinic care is provided by students in the Dental Hygiene and Level II Dental Assisting programs under the supervision of registered professionals. (SDG 4 – Quality Education)
- The SUCCI Wellness Centre - Minowaadiziiwin provides students, staff, and community members with access to fitness equipment and spaces to support physical well-being and a balanced lifestyle.
- Actively collaborate with the LGBTQ2S+ community to provide a Pride space and events to foster a safe and supportive campus environment.