Peer Tutor Application Form

Peer Tutors are students who provide tutoring help to their peers. Peer Tutors earn extra money while they improve their own communication skills and build their resume. 

Tutors Must:

  • Have an A in the subject
  • Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • Have knowledge of the subject content and the ability to communicate the same
  • Be punctual and responsible
  • Be willing to participate in a brief orientation on tutoring procedures with the Academic Success Centre 


To apply to become a Peer Tutor, please complete this webform.

Student Information
Provide your phone number in the following format: (###) ###-#### e.g. (807) 475-6110
What year of the program are you in?
Tutoring Information/notetaking
Course 1
Course 2
Course 3
Student Agreement
I agree to all of the above statements
Peer Tutor students agree to the following: (1) I will allow the release of my contact information (phone number and email) to tutees strictly for matching purposes. (2) I will regularly check my College email for correspondence from my tutee(s) and/or the Academic Success Centre. (3) I will be on time and prepared for my scheduled tutoring session. (4) I will notify the tutee at least 24 hours in advance if I must cancel a tutoring appointment. (5) I will keep the Academic Success Centre informed of the tutee’s progress and/or any problems that may arise (including missed appointments). (6) I will submit a timesheet to the Academic Success Centre according to the payroll submission schedule.
Home Address
This form is used for note taker application as well. If you are applying to be a notetaker please answer YES. Note taker application does not require instructor's endorsement.