Vice President Academic Plans and Reports

A strategic framework designed to synchronize our institutional goals, enrolment strategies, and academic excellence is at the heart of Confederation College's mission to deliver exceptional education and foster vibrant communities. This framework is articulated through three pivotal documents: the Strategic Plan, the Strategic Enrolment Management (SEM) Plan, and the Academic Operational Plan. Each plan, while distinct in its focus, interlocks with the others to create a cohesive strategy aimed at elevating the college's success.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Enrolment Management Plan (SEM):

The SEM plan is a dynamic response to the challenges and opportunities identified within the Strategic Plan's framework. It optimizes our enrolment processes and program offerings to align with our strategic goals, demographic realities, and labour market demands. The SEM Plan is rooted in data-driven analysis, aiming to maximize student enrolment and success while optimizing our program mix. It addresses the entire enrolment lifecycle, from prospective student interest through to graduation, ensuring that our strategies are comprehensive and adaptable.

The Academic Operating Plan (AOP):

The AOP operationalizes the visions of the Strategic and SEM Plans at the academic unit level. It is a tactical document that guides decision-making and resource allocation for the academic year, addressing challenge areas and capitalizing on opportunities for enhancement across our programs. This plan ensures that our educational offerings remain relevant, competitive, and aligned with our students' needs and the workforce's demands.