Oona Szyja

Professor, MBA, CPA, CGA

How/Why I Become a Teacher

I am an introvert by nature, and if you would have asked me 20 years ago if I would be teaching, I would have laughed. What me? In front of a group of people? No way! I have very light skin that is prone to redness, which, as I was growing up, caused many people exclaim “Oh! She’s blushing!” even if I was not embarrassed. Therefore, I could not imagine speaking in front of people for a living. Not me.

Around 15 years ago, I was given the opportunity to work on a major modernization project with the organization I was working with at the time. This opportunity saw me as part of a team of people who were required to design training programs from scratch for thousands of employees to learn the new systems being implemented. Towards the end of the project, I found out that I was also expected to deliver the training I was developing. I was surprised and nervous … but I went out there and delivered training to an initial group of 40 people, plus around 10 of the senior executives of the organization. Talk about trial by fire! After the first 5 minutes, I discovered that I absolutely loved teaching/training people. It is pleasure to guide the participants and see them “get it”. I went on to train hundreds of people across Ontario and loved every minute of it. I was hooked. I have not looked back since. This is what I was meant to be doing – blushing and all!

I love sharing my knowledge of accounting with the students at Confederation College and also learning from them. It is truly a profession I am honoured to be a part of, and I look forward to going to work every day.

My Educational Background & Qualifications

  • I am a life-long learner.
  • Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
  • Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA)
  • Certified General Accountant (CGA)
  • I have over 25 years of accounting experience, and have worked for private companies and also for the provincial and federal governments – many of those years spent in the position of an auditor.