Seyednima (Nima) Khezr


How/Why I Become a Teacher?

I began my teaching career at Confederation College in 2019. Teaching is a true vocation and more than just a career to me. One perk of teaching that excites me is the privilege of interacting and working with learners from diverse backgrounds. I consider teaching learners as a highly rewarding process, which provides me with the opportunities to share my knowledge and learn great ideas from them.

My Educational Background & Qualifications:

PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada.

MSc in Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

BSc in Software Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

My Relevant Experience in the Field:

Over three years of teaching expertise in the field of software engineering.

My Hobbies & Other Interests:

Apart from being a researcher and lecturer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. I am an avid hiker. I've been hiking for about seven years now. Hiking is perhaps my greatest passion. Nothing comes close to the challenge, excitement, satisfaction I experience while on a trail. In July 2021, I hiked the Pukaskwa Coastal Trail. One of the best experiences I have ever had. A super difficult and highly technical 65-kilometers hike with beautiful views and a great payoff at the end with two suspension bridges. My future adventure plan is to hike Pacific Crest Trail.

Personal Website: