International Credit Transfer

International students can apply for transfer credits if they believe they have studied the content of a course at a post-secondary level. These credits can be taken either inside or outside of Canada to be considered.

If the courses studied were at a school outside of Canada, an assessment is first required. Email [email protected] with the international transcript, diploma, and copy of the credit transfer request form. An assessment will be provided within seven business days. Students must include it, along with the rest of the required paperwork, to the Information Hub or email to [email protected] for processing.

If the courses studied were at a school inside of Canada, please review the process for Applying for Transfer Credits. An assessment by the International Education Centre is not required. This process is not intended to be used for course equivalencies studied at Confederation College. 

Things to Note:

  • Students must remain in a full-time status. If a student applies to and is approved for too many transfer credits, that may drop the student into a part-time status.
  • There is no refund of fees if students are approved for a transfer credit (full-time fees are based on the program curriculum, not the number of courses).
  • To be considered, some courses may be required to have been completed in a program that finished within the last 5 years.

To download the required forms and review more information including applicable fees, timelines, and minimum grade requirements, please visit details on the page on Applying for Transfer Credits.