How to Request an Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan is a service whereby resources from other libraries are brought in for use by the faculty, students and staff of Confederation College.  The Library, as a member of the Canadian Interlibrary Loan Network, may obtain materials from any library in the world.

Guidelines for Inter-Library Loan:

  • Please allow a minimum of 3 to 4 weeks for the materials to arrive.
  • A fee may be charged by the lending library.
  • The lending library determines the conditions and limitations on the use of borrowed materials.  Copying of loaned materials must be in accordance with the Copyright Act of Canada.
  • Materials must be returned by the due date provided on the item.  Failure to do so could result in the suspension of interlibrary loan privileges.

How to Request an Inter-Library Loan

  • Sign into the Library catalogue using your college portal username and password.
  • Select "Ontario Colleges" from the drop down menu next to the search bar, and type in the title of the book you would like.
  • When you find the book you need, click on the title and select the "Request It" button to initiate the request form.
  • Fill out the form and click "Submit".  You will be notified by email once the book is available for pick up. 

For Further Information: