Active Commuter Challenge starts tomorrow!



Greenstone (Longlac)
Northshore (Marathon)
Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay and district, it’s time to dust off your walking shoes, tune up your bikes, and prepare for TBay on the Move's Active Commute Challenge, which starts tomorrow and runs for the month of June.

This month-long challenge:

  • encourages you to switch your ride and actively commute to and from work
  • is a friendly workplace competition, so be sure to enter "Confederation College" as your workplace and check out the leaderboard!
  • allows you to track your active commutes and see your progress
  • has prizes for individuals and workplaces!

You can track any active commute where you left your vehicle at home. Taking the bus to the grocery store, biking to your dentist appointment, or walking to your meeting can all be submitted as an active commute.

Miriam Wall and Brett Sharman are the designated Confederation College workplace champions for the challenge. To help you with your commute, they have a limited number of bus passes (valid June 4-10) and cycling swag (bicycle bells, reflective ankle straps, bags) to give out. Please email Miriam or Brett if you are interested.

For more information and to register for the challenge, visit


The Active Commuter Challenge is a collaborative sustainability initiative led by the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. Confederation College is a participating workplace in the challenge, and this supports our commitment to progressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The challenge helps progress SDGs 3, 11, 13 & 17.

Confederation College supports the Sustainable Development Goals
