Are You A Drama Kid? Join the Performing Arts Club
This club is a place to share a common interest in performing arts, and to learn and develop theatre and life skills, and foster friendships and belonging. We will create and foster a strong community on campus where everyone feels respected and valued, We will also participate as part of a wider Theatre Community in Thunder Bay. We will use our common interest in performing arts as a way to support our Rising Star Bursary given to a student in the club who demonstrates leadership and to Community Charities through fundraising at our performances.
The Club open to all students, employees, retirees & alumni of Confederation College. We are looking for individuals, students and staff who have an interest in theatre. There is no experience needed just the willingness to participate and grow as an actor or actress on stage or even behind the scenes. It is a great way for people who are new to the college to meet people and connect to the community.
We know that this year is going to be different due to covid-19. The commitment is going to be both online and in person, keeping in mind of social distancing and wearing masks and other safety measures to protect everyone. By doing this we can put together a show that is safe for everyone and create a place where people can belong and engage and most of all have fun.
Remember no experience is necessary, just a willingness to participate!
To join the Performing Arts Club look for our facebook group at or join us tonights Information Meeting at 7pm at the Zoom Link found below