Civil Students Need Your Vote!



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

The Civil Engineering students applied their knowledge of material properties combined with their construction practices in an authentic manner this past Friday. Seven teams were challenged to design and build their own innovative timber bridge in response to a Request for Proposal as part of a program competition. One aspect of the design consideration is aesthetics. We would like to invite College community members to help determine the 'prettiest' bridge by checking out the different designs and submitting a ballot for your favourite. All bridges are on display in the McIntyre building showcase display, with the ballot box located on the security screening desk. Votes need to be cast by 11:59pm on December 2nd. 

Bridge's will be loaded to failure on Friday, December 3 starting at 9am in room 428 in the McIntyre, stop by to cheer on your favourite bridge.
