Clear Writing and Design (CLAD) - Mar. 2



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

There is a case for writing clearly anytime, but COVID-19 has made this more important than ever. With limited face-to-face interactions with our colleagues, students, and communities, we rely heavily on writing to communicate.

Clear Writing is a way of presenting information so that it is easy for everyone to read and understand. It considers how the material looks and what it says. It prevents misunderstanding between you and your reader by being concise, relevant, and engaging.

In this 3-hour interactive workshop, you will learn how to use Clear Writing tips and principles, present your thoughts clearly, design your written materials so your audience understands them, and incorporate Clear Writing into your workplace and everyday life.

About me: My name is Judy Barton, and I have been working in the Academic Upgrading Program at the college for nearly 18 years. I have always been aware of the need for clear writing, and have spent my adult life advocating for people whose reading levels may be lower than average. However, I believed that my background as an English teacher meant that *my* writing was not part of the problem. I was wrong! I first took a workshop just like this one and learned so much. Then I took an 8-week course and learned more, and finally decided to spend a year becoming a Clear Writing Facilitator and Editor so that I could help others. In this workshop, I will share what I think are some of the most valuable principles of Clear Writing and give you practical tools you can use right away.

Register using the eventbrite link provided below:
