Confederation College Program Undergoes Transformation to Further Support Decolonization and Child Well-Being



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

THUNDER BAY, ON, June 16, 2021 – Confederation College’s Native Child and Family Services program has undergone a transformation to become Onajigawin Indigenous Services. The new name and an updated vision for the program were shared at a small on-campus gathering Wednesday.

“Confederation College began a comprehensive review process for our program in 2019, which represented a critical opportunity to build upon past program success, while re-envisioning the program to better reflect the contemporary context and reality of our graduates’ work to support Indigenous children, families and communities,” said Pam Burton, Professor and Program Coordinator. “Change is never easy, but absolutely necessary on the path of cultural humility. This renewed vision honours our program’s rich history, but seeks to prepare graduates for their critical work as helpers with an increased focus on the decolonization of systems within the human and community services field. The fundamentals of advancing child well-being, keeping families together and strengthening communities remain.”

The renewal process involved representatives from across the College community, alongside 12 partnership agencies. The collective contributions informed the program changes that ensure students will be educated with diverse populations in anti-oppressive ways. The new “Onajigwan” name was gifted to the program by Elder Sam Achneepineskum of Marten Falls First Nation. An Anishinaabemowin word, it means “being prepared for the work that you will be doing as a helper.”

The new direction for the program highlights a decolonized approach to curriculum development and assessment, applying innovative approaches to support integrated and holistic learning experiences for students, while acknowledging the value of community responsibility and self-determination. It will provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to become effective helpers across a number of sectors. Graduates will leave prepared with a basket full of culturally safe tools, which they will need to walk safely with those they will be helping.

“The Onajigawin Indigenous Services program is one of the many ways Confederation College is contributing to a process of reconciliation and healing,” said Kathleen Lynch, President. “Thanks to Pam’s thoughtful and passionate leadership, and the incredible support of our faculty, staff, students, alumni and community partners, this first-choice program is well positioned for long-term success. Graduates of the revitalized program will continue the tradition of bringing their wisdom and compassion to their critical work as helpers, while becoming catalysts of change, shaping a better and more hopeful future for us all.”

Courtney Forbes, a 2021 graduate of the former Native Child and Family Services program shares that hope for the future. “It [the renewed program] means hope and a new beginning, especially, with everything that’s been going on,” she said. “It’s what the ancestors have been waiting for, the first step in the right direction. Training for Anishinaabe and non-Anishinaabe to be helping people in the community. I would love to see more Indigenous people helping their families for the sense of community. We also need strong allies, helpers to learn the ways and go in with a good lens to support Indigenous families.”

Program Advisory Committee Chair and Director of Operations for the Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre, Serena Essex, agreed that Onajigawin Indigenous Services is a positive step forward for the College. “It’s highly respectful of the reclamation of bringing it back to the land and core values of being a traditional helper,” she said. “It’s the right step towards the process of reconciliation.”

The program will welcome its first class of students in the fall of 2021. The program is being offered at all Confederation College campuses and via Distance Education. Derek Hrynczak is an incoming student for inaugural Onajigawin Indigenous Services class and was pleased to participate in the program’s launch. “I think there is a great responsibility for myself being non-Indigenous in how I want to impact positive change in this country,” he said. “I believe being part of this new beginning at Confederation College is only going to help me realize that potential, and I am honoured to be a part of it.”

To learn more about the Onajigawin Indigenous Services program, to watch the program launch video, and to apply, visit



Confederation College has been serving the citizens of northwestern Ontario since 1967 meeting the educational needs of students in a catchment area of some 550,000 square kilometres. Along with its main campus in Thunder Bay, Confederation College has seven regional sites located in Dryden, Fort Frances, Greenstone, Kenora, Marathon, Sioux Lookout and Red Lake, as well as a growing Distance Education division. 

Confederation College delivers exceptional education and training to an average of 7,000 combined full- and part-time students per year and currently has a total of 600 full- and part-time employees. Confederation’s regional economic impact and contribution is valued at $707.3 million annually.

For more information, please contact:

Katherine Brooks, Communications Officer
Cell: (807) 632-5680, E-mail: [email protected]

Onajigawin Indigenous Services Program Transformation Launch from left: 2021 Native Child and Family Service Graduate Courtney Forbes, Dean, School of Health, Negahneewin, & Community Services Shane Strickland, Professor and Program Coordinator of Onajigawin Indigenous Services Pam Burton, Elder Sam Achneepineskum, Incoming Onajigawin Indigenous Services Student Derek Hrynczak, President of Confederation College Kathleen Lynch.
Program Coordinator Pam Burton looks on as alumna Courtney Forbes passes eagle feather to incoming student Derek Hrynczak to signify transition to Onajigawin Indigenous Services.
