Do You Want a Promotion?



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

For many of us, we’ve just completed our performance review and are wondering, “what’s next for me?”  Regardless of your position within the college, now is an ideal time to take the next step in your career. 

This past year LinkedIn Learning played a critical role in the tens of thousands of people getting promotions all around the globe.  By watching business training videos like mentoring others and honing management skills, or improving hard skills like software and creativity, many were awarded recognized certifications that helped advance their careers.

Once you begin exploring LinkedIn Learning you’ll discover 1000s of videos that can benefit you! 

So why not consider taking one or more relevant courses available 24/7 that have helped so many professionals like you get an edge on job advancement?  Take control of your career!  Log into your LinkedIn learning account today and get started on your next promotion. 

Paterson Library is a proud sponsor of LinkedIn Learning.[gallery]

