Embracing Opportunities: Laura Alomia's Journey at Confederation College


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Laura Alomia's journey from Colombia to Thunder Bay, Canada, highlights the transformative power of education and the myriad opportunities that come with studying abroad. Her experience at Confederation College has not only solidified her passion for digital marketing but also inspired her future career plans. 

Laura first came to Canada at the age of 15 on an exchange program and fell in love with the country and its people. "I found Canadian and Colombian people to be very similar in terms of personality and values. I loved Canada and wanted to return," she recalls. When it was time to choose a place to study, Laura opted for Thunder Bay, as she put it, “for its calmness, lack of traffic, and abundance of nature. I wanted a sense of community that a small town can offer, and Thunder Bay provides that," she explains.

Despite initial worries about the language barriers and cultural adjustments she would face, Laura found her footing at Confederation College. She was pleasantly surprised by the College’s Digital Marketing – Marketing Analytics program, which allowed her to explore her creative side. "It's not just about understanding the language of marketing, but also about being able to make graphics, and produce photography and video content.” 

One of the highlights of Laura's time at Confederation College was the hands-on experience she gained through her program. As part of her coursework, she worked with a local coffee shop in Kakabeka Falls to help them grow from a digital marketing perspective. This applied learning opportunity was invaluable and provided her with practical skills that she could showcase in her portfolio. "In many classes, I created videos, blogs, presentations, and graphics, which allowed me to build a portfolio to show potential employers. This practical experience has been beneficial for my career path," Laura shares. She feels that the recognition and feedback from that work played a significant role in securing her current position.

Laura also says that she appreciated the smaller class sizes at Confederation College, which allowed for more connections with professors and fellow students. "The professors and staff were friendly and approachable," she notes. Although she mainly interacted with international students, the sense of community and support she found at the college was significant. 

Laura now works as a communications specialist in digital marketing at St. Joseph's Care Group, a large healthcare organization serving Northwestern Ontario with a wide range of services in Mental Health & Addictions, Rehabilitative Care, and Seniors’ Health across eight sites in Thunder Bay. Her diploma from Confederation College, combined with her previous experience in digital marketing, helped her demonstrate her skills and secure the position. "The combination of academic learning and practical experience helped me demonstrate my skills. References from college professors also contributed to the recognition of my abilities," she explains. 

Laura's journey was not without its challenges. She faced some barriers and cultural adjustments, however, she remained resilient and focused on the positive aspects of her experience. Laura advises prospective international students to ensure they have strong English language skills and to be prepared for the challenging weather. "It's important to learn the bus routes and other transportation options to navigate the city effectively," she suggests. "Focus on the positive aspects and opportunities Thunder Bay offers. Be open-minded, enjoy nature, camping, and other activities Thunder offers.” 

Laura also highlights the opportunities for entrepreneurship and job opportunities in Thunder Bay, especially in areas like healthcare. She also notes that “living in Thunder Bay can help you save money and gain work experience,” even if you’re career eventually takes you elsewhere.

As Laura continues to thrive in her career, she remains grateful for the support and opportunities provided by Confederation College. Her journey is a shining example of the resilience, determination, and success that international students bring to our community. Inspired by her passionate professors, Laura is also considering a future career in teaching, where she hopes to pass on the knowledge and skills she has gained to the next generation of students.
