Faculty Session for Academic Integrity - June 7



Thunder Bay

During the past academic year faculty in a number of the College’s electrical programs piloted use of a Banner based application to track academic integrity incidents with their students.  Join Riley Burton as he shares the experience of faculty in Electrical Engineering Technology, Electronics Engineering Technician, and Instrumentation Engineering Technician programs in use of the tool.

The tracking of incidents is being treated as a learning opportunity for students, and as a method to identify chronic abuse across multiple courses.  Faculty will have access to the records they create, and students have access to the records attached to their incidents.  The application will trigger notices to academic managers as students across these programs exceed a threshold number of incidents.

In September faculty in all programs are encouraged to use the tool to supplement the regular conversations they would have with students.

Andy Paulusma from Computer Services will demonstrate use the tool during the session, which will run on June 7, 2017 from 10:00 - 11:00 am.

Please register at: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/teaching-and-learning-centre-904456183
