Healthy Habits at End of Term



Thunder Bay

With so much going on at the end of a semester, prioritizing healthy habits during this time can be challenging! Through late-night study sessions, inadequate sleep, and piles of study notes and assignments it is easy to skip a meal or grab a convenient snack to keep us going. Chips and chocolate bars are delicious and our brains need glucose, but not the quick sugar from vending machine snacks that can spike glucose levels and then suddenly drop. What we're looking for is a continuous delivery of glucose that we can get from complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are our brain’s preferred energy source, but the quality of the carbohydrate is important. For lasting energy, snacks that include fibre such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will deliver a consistent supply of glucose which helps us focus without feeling hungry often.


For this reason you may see staff from Student Success wandering the hallways on campus this week handing out snacks to our students. If you see a hungry student, let them know they can catch us in the hallway or pop into Student Success across from the Hub and we'll help them out! 


Students standing in front of nutritious snack cart
Nutritious snack cart
