Important Parking Updates for Students - Get Your Permits and Enjoy Complimentary Parking!
Beat the Rush!
To avoid long lineups in September, purchasing and picking up your parking pass for the 2023/2024 academic year in advance is a good idea. However, pre-purchased permits are not valid until September 1, 2023.
Unable to purchase in advance? No worries. Parking will be complimentary from September 1st to the 8th, 2023, to make things easier. This allows everyone the time to purchase their permit and have it displayed in their vehicle prior to the commencement of parking enforcement on September 11th, 2023. Permits can be picked up in the Student Lounge on September 5th and 6th, 2023 and B106 Shuniah at all other times.
Payment for parking is mandatory on campus
Not sure what permit to purchase? Although there are numerous scenarios, below are the most common parking options. This parking options flow chart below may assist you in deciding on what permit to purchase for your specific situation.
Reminder: Permits MUST be picked up and displayed in the vehicle to be valid
Purchases can be made at: