The Knowledge Bundle - Library Recommended Resources



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

This resource list was created while navigating through unique times. COVID-19 has prevented us from physically gathering as a community to celebrate Indigenous cultures or interact in spaces like libraries as we usually had. National Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Pow-wow celebrations will certainly be observed differently this year. However, just because we need to change the way we celebrate this year, does not mean that the spirit behind our different forms of celebrating should be lost.

As we have witnessed in recent events, citizens are calling for a change in how we interact as a society and how public institutions operate. Honest and challenging conversations are being held throughout the world, which leaves many asking: “What can I do?” or “How can I help?”

Educating ourselves is the first step in learning and unlearning behaviours and to continue being a part of the solution towards building a safe and inclusive community that we can all be proud of. We hope that these selections will help in this journey and invite conversations in building new understandings. Download the attached .pdf to review the resource list and click on the images to link to the library resource. If you need assistance contact Tiffany Miller
