Learn More About Confederation College's Recruitment Team



Thunder Bay

If you have ever wondered how the Confederation College Recruitment Team helps to recruit for our programs or would like to know why we are often off-campus, the following information is a comprehensive Recruitment Activity guide for the 2023/2024 academic year!

The role of Recruitment is to assist prospective students throughout their postsecondary decision-making process, from that moment where something sparks their interest, right through to accepting their offer of admission and enrolling at Confederation College!

Our 2023/2024 Recruitment team consists of:

  • Alexandra Jones- Manager of Marketing, Recruitment & Communications,
  • Sheena Zegil & Erin Mccrea - Recruitment Officers,
  • Tabitha Zela- Recruitment Officer, SCWI, TBD - Indigenous Recruitment Officer.

Recruiting initiatives for this fall

Recruitment Officers are assigned to specific recruiting initiatives separately in order to maximize events and cover as much of Ontario as possible during one season. Recruitment initiatives include College Information Program (CIP), Ontario College Information Fair (OCIF), Regional Travel, Southern Ontario, Open House, Local visits and presentations as well as in-office Enrolment appointments. For the comprehensive list of Recruitment Initiatives for 2023/2024, see below.

College Information Program (CIP)

The CIP Tour occurs each fall and will be running from September 25th – Navember 3rd. It is a 6-week tour with over 35 stops at various high schools and colleges across Ontario. This event provides an opportunity for students to meet with Ontario college representatives who can answer questions about program offerings, admission requirements and campus life.

There will be 1 week dedicated to travelling throughout northwestern Ontario during October 2nd – 6th. There are 8 stops at various high schools during this week and there are approximately 19 Ontario College representatives participating in this week. The Confederation College stop is Wednesday, October 4th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm in the Student Commons.

We continue to receive requests from faculty to participate in events and similar to last year, we will have a Confederation College program information and services fair in the Student Commons that will run during the same time as the CIP event. An email in regards to this opportunity will be sent out, and Hailey Symons will be individually contacting programs to confirm participation. Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to participate in this additional event as this is a good opportunity to meet and influence prospective students for your respective programs. Please contact Hailey Symons at ext 6335 or email [email protected] to confirm.


APSIP stands for The Aboriginal Post-Secondary Information Program (APSIP) and is similar to CIP as it is a travelling information program dedicated to empowering and improving access opportunities for Indigenous (First Nations, status and non-status, Inuit and Métis) learners to pursue postsecondary education in Ontario. Recruitment and APIWIN will be sharing attendance of select weeks during these events.


The Ontario College Fair (OCF) is the largest stop on the CIP tour. This is a 2-day event held at the Enercare Centre in downtown Toronto. Each Ontario College has a large scale booth and thousands of prospective students come through the venue throughout the 2-day event. In past years we see approximately 17,000+ students, direct and indirect, attend OCF. This event takes placeOctober 18th and 19th.

Each year our Recruitment Team, Deans and Chairs of each School collaborate to determine which programs will send a representative to OCF to assist in Recruitment efforts. OCF 2023 Representatives are as follows:


  • Alexandra Jones - Manager of Marketing, Recruitment & Communications
  • Tabitha Zela - Recruitment Officer – SCWI, Student Recruitment & Marketing
  • Erin Mccrea – Recruitment Officer, Student Recruitment & Marketing
  • Hailey Symons- Recruitment Liaison, Tours & Events
  • Kerry Blackburn – Simulation Technologist, School of Health, Negahneewin & Community Services
  • Carly Rich – Program Coordinator: Early Childhood Education, School of Health, Negahneewin & Community Services
  • Robin Gathercole – President, SUCCI
  • Mike Rozic – Director of Public Safety & Risk
  • Matthew Bunn –  Associate Dean, School of Aviation
  • Eric Weller – Program Coordinator: Film, School of Business, Hospitality & Media Arts
  • Jenna Kelos – Communications Officer, Communications
  • Shannon Maloney- Student Success Advisor, Student Success Centre

Regional Travel

Recruitment will be spending additional time in the northwestern Ontario region this fall in order to provide support to our regional campuses, as well as reaching more students. We will be visiting regional campuses, high schools, friendship centres and alternative education centres. We will also do multiple weeks of regional recruitment in the Spring of 2024.

Open House

Open House is scheduled for Saturday, November 18th 2023. This event occurs at a crucial time in the application process for senior-level students. Applications are expected to open at the Ontario Colleges Application Portal at ontariocolleges.ca at the beginning of October 2023 for programs starting in September 2024. Applications received prior to February 1, 2024, will be given equal consideration for program seats. There will be a high number of student, parents touring the campus on November 18th looking to decide whether Confederation College is going to be on their application. This is a huge opportunity for you to positively affect your program numbers for the next academic year. Something said during the tour could spark an interest in a student’s mind and ultimately convince them that YOUR program is their number one choice!

For this reason, it is incredibly important that we have participation from Program Coordinators for Open House. If your schedule is too busy and you can’t make yourself available, you are welcome to get a faculty member or even a current student. Be sure to watch out for an email from the Recruitment team in the fall with further information about Open House and Campus Tours.

A note about our prospective students

While a lot of our focus is on high school prospects, we also look to increase our mature student numbers. We have continued to meet with and engage new agency representatives to build better relationships to encourage more mature students to look at Confederation College. This includes Lakehead Adult Education Centre, Northwest Employment Works, YES Employment and our own Academic Upgrading program on campus.  


Local Guidance Counselor Meetings

Each year Recruitment meets with the Guidance Counselors of each high school to discuss updates, materials and resources and further collaboration opportunities. These early September meetings sets the tone for the year and gives us a chance to personalize our connection with the High Schools.

Monthly High School Visits

To keep Confederation College in the front of our local student’s minds, Recruitment has monthly lunch booths in each local high school. During December and January, these extend into on the spot application assistance appointments as well. Dates and times are chosen by the Recruiters and presented to the GC’s during their initial GC meets to confirm all dates. Monthly high school booths are a great opportunity for any program to join Recruitment and further promote your programs! If your program is interested in joining us at one of our booths. Recruitment will provide a sign up sheet with all booth dates for programs to confirm attendance. If you have any questions please reach out to Recruitment.

Local Grade 12/ 11 & 10 Presentations

During the Fall semester, Recruitment provides Grade 12 focused presentations as this is during a crucial point in the application process, applications for the following Academic Intake (2024) open at the beginning of October. These presentation dates are set with the Guidance Counselors through an initial Welcome Back email, prior to the Fall semester start, as well as during the initial GC meetings.

Spring presentations are conducted with the Grade 10 & 11 students. These dates will be set during the Winter semester. This presentation is focused around College information, program options as well as admission requirement/eligibility planning in order to ensure the correct courses are taken to meet admission into their chosen programs.

Campus Tours

Recruitment conducts campus tours year-round. General campus tours are done with an overview of student support services, points of interest in the College, SUCCI - including benefits, clubs and athletics; as well as tours through the Wellness Centre. We also tour students through both styles of Residence in collaboration with Residence staff. Program-specific tours are provided upon request from the student. Program Coordinators and Faculty members are always a primary resource of information for these tours, and we will connect with you in order to let you know anytime an opportunity or request comes in for your specific programs! Please encourage your prospective students to book a campus tour at confederationcollege.ca/tours. All requests are received and coordinated directly in the Recruitment department.

In-Office Appointments and Case Management

When the Recruitment Officers, are not on the road or off-campus in the community, we are conducting in-office Advising Appointments & academic pathway planning with any prospective student interested in Confederation College. This includes direct (high school), indirect (typically mature students), domestic as well as refugees and permanent residents. Each prospective student has the opportunity to create an individualized pathway plan in order to optimize acceptance into their programs of interest. Services include transcript/eligibility reviews, admission requirements, upgrading options, program information, booking tours, general financial aid information as well as completing their college  applications. Prospective students interested in booking an appointment with Recruitment may do so through the online live calendar at  www.confederationcollege.ca/appointments.

Program Coordinator Call Out Reports

Thank you to our Program Coordinators and Student Success Advisors for completing the call-out report lists for their programs!

  1. Stats for 2019:
    1. Total Calls = 619
    2. Accepted Offer = 287
    3. ROI = 46.37%
  2. Of the 287 who accepted an offer:
    1. 204 accepted after the coordinator called
    2. 83 accepted before the coordinator called
  3. Of the 204 who accepted an offer after the coordinator called:
    1. 57 or 27.9% of them accepted the offer within 7 days of the call
    2. 16 or 7.8% of them accepted an offer within 14 days of the call
    3. 131 or 64.3% of them accepted an offer 15+ days after the call

Of the 46.37% of students who accepted the offer, 71.1% did so after the coordinator called and 35.7% of them accepted within 14 days of being contacted by a program coordinator.

These stats show how influential a direct connection is between Program Coordinators and their students. If any of you have ideas as to how to increase this conversion rate, please let us know as we are always open to ideas!


Remember, the Recruitment team is here to assist you! If there are ever prospective students connecting with you, please provide Recruitment contact information and we can seamlessly work with you and the student to help ensure that all of their needs are met and they have access to our full range of services. 

We look forward to working with our College Community over the 2023/2024 academic year!


Questions or comments? Please contact our Recruitment Team!
Recruitment: (807) 475-6335

Don Duclos
Recruitment Team
