Library Microcredentials



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

We all know the benefits of life-long learning to improve ourselves academically.  But not everyone has the time to take a full course.

Welcome Microcredentials; the certification of competencies initiative that is in addition, complimentary to, or a component of a formal qualification.  Its strengths lie in its flexibility, as learners are able to move at their own pace. This supports both faculty and students with diverse knowledge backgrounds, literacy levels, and other related aptitudes.

Microcredential advantages are:

  • Flexibility:  Learning structure is based on the individual learner
  • Self-paced:  Final outcomes are the goal and not the entire journey
  • Engagement:  High as learning content is target specific
  • Affordable:  Little, if any cost to the enrollee
  • Skills-based:  Measured success is based on the competency learned and not the time spent learning
  • Embeddability:  Select “complements” can inserted as part of an existing course via LMS (i.e.) Blackboard
  • Accreditation for skilled learned and competencies achieved

In the coming weeks and months you’ll be hearing a lot about Microcredentials in Canadian College and Universities and why individualized learning “components” are setting themselves apart from other learning platforms. 

Your Library is already a proud supporter of one such tailored-learning service called LinkedIn Learning.  Through short, specific programs, students and employees alike are able to acquire up-to-date competencies in areas of software, creativity and business with many of these offering recognized certifications.

Drop by or activate your LinkedIn account today to discover the advantages of learner cantered, competency-based education and see where it takes you!  As always,  Library staff are available for assistance.[gallery]

