OASA Executives Meet with Grand Chief Derek Fox!



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

On Tuesday, December 14, 2021, OASA members Gailynne Fiddler and Darla Oja (virtual) collaboratively joined forces with NAN to decorate Grand Chief Fox’s Christmas Tree. Students of the OASA board were welcomed into NAN’s Thunder Bay office with open arms as we strived to build a sense of community this holiday season! A big thank you is extended to Derek Fox for making time for our students on short notice.

Grand Chief Fox has publicly asked NAN community members to come forth this holiday season, filling their Christmas tree with community-sourced ornaments and joy. Each sender is being entered into the prize draw for a Nintendo Switch! Stay tuned to @Nishnawbe_askination on social media to endure communal cheer this season!

Darla Oja (Vice President) hanging ornaments.
Students hang ornaments with the Grand Chief.
The Christmas tree after decoration.
