Refreshed College Website Coming Soon!
Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)
Confederation College’s website – – is undergoing a refresh, or tune up, so to speak.
There is a team working diligently behind the scenes with a third-party vendor to improve the functionality and appearance of this digital window to our students and College community, as well as make it easier for all College programs and departments to promote what they do best.
The website refresh will include:
- An updated, contemporary design;
- Improved navigation so it’s easier to find things;
- A spotlight on recruitment and student resources;
- A “clean up” of old content;
- An upgrade to the existing technology platform;
- A new, easier-to-use content management system and approvals process; and,
- The ability to view content on mobile devices in formats that makes sense.
Watch for additional website updates in the future!