Thermal Imaging Drones on Campus!



Thunder Bay

Exciting news…As part of our Smart Renewable Electrification Pathways (SREP) energy project, we are completing 3D thermal imaging of our buildings within Thunder Bay.  Blackstone Energy Services is working with QEA Tech to complete this work. This analysis will help us prioritize of building improvements we need to make on campus based on energy losses.  By targeting the building area with the higher heat losses, we reduce the energy required to run our building heating and cooling systems. It will save us costs on energy and will reduce the overall size of new renewable production infrastructure installations to achieve our Net Zero target by 2040.

Associates from QEA Tech will be on site November 7thand 8th starting around 4:00 pm to set up and will be flying drones around the buildings into the evening. This timing is necessary to get the appropriate temperature differential. You are welcome to observe from afar.  Please do not disturb the operators or the devices. We will have access to the footage once complete and we will share shots and data found from the analysis. If you want to know more about the process, see this video that will explain the process.
