Kenora Catholic District School Board

11.26 Northern Hospitality

Schools College Course Type
St. Thomas Aquinas  High School

TT118 - Explore Tourism in Northwestern Ontario (TJF4T-Min.Code)

TT213 - Outdoor Adventure Principles (TJK4T-Min. Code)

College Delivered

This program provides students an exciting experience in tourism, an important industry in the Kenora district. By combining two dual credit courses and cooperative education placements, students participate in the program all day for the semester. Students develop skills and interests that encourage a post-secondary career pathway with future employment options in their community or beyond.

11.24 Creating Spaces

Schools College Course Type
St. Thomas Aquinas  High School

CT 121 - Basic Hand Tools and Safety of the Construction Industry (TSR4T-Min.Code)

TP 155 - Technological Studies  (TAP4T-Min.Code)

College Delivered

Creating Spaces is a program that develops the students' construction skills and thoughts on a career path. Students from two school boards (KCDSB and KPDSB) enter the world of work in this full-day experience at the Multi Skills Center which is a shared facility with the Confederation College.  The two college delivered dual credits prepare students for cooperative education experiences that follow.

11.28 Building Skills for Success

Schools College Course Type
St. Thomas Aquinas  High School

GE113 - Building Skills for Success (JEB4T-Min.Code)

College Delivered

This program gives students the opportunity for a real college experience on the platform for online and blended delivery that students at regional campuses use successfully to earn diplomas.