Co-operative Education Programs - Occupational Profiles
Aviation Technician Aircraft Maintenance Aircraft mechanics maintain, repair, overhaul, modify and test aircraft structural, mechanical and hydraulic...
Emergency Preparedness - Thunder Bay (SAFE Campus)
Injury, illness or accident can happen at any time. Are you prepared to handle an emergency if one occurred today? Who would you contact? What...
Mental Health & Well-Being Smart Phone Apps
Healthy Minds by Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Stress can take a toll on your mind, weighing you down and even making you ill, so it’s important to...
Wage Subsidies and Tax Credits
Hiring employees is often an essential part of operating a business. Whether you need a full-time employee or would like to provide a student with...
Campus Closures Due to Weather Emergencies
Should weather conditions warrant a closure of a campus: a decision to suspend normal operations will be made before 7 AM for daytime classes, and...
Office 365 - Key Tasks
Break-Ins, Vandalism, & Thefts (SAFE Campus)
Break-Ins, Vandalism, and Thefts. If it appears that your office, lab, shop, locker, vehicle, residence room or other space has been broken into and /...
Office 365 - More Features (Student IT)
Office 365 More Features There are many more features within Office 365 that you are free to explore and use. Calendar People Tasks Calendar Office...