
Forensic Examination (SAFE Campus)

If you want to get a forensic examination (commonly known as a rape kit): call 911 for ambulance assistance, or go directly to the Emergency...

Critical Injuries (SAFE Campus)

Critical injuries include injuries that: place life in jeopardy, produce unconsciousness, result in substantial loss of blood, involve the fracture of...

Safeguarding Belongings (SAFE Campass)

Property Protection Don’t leave your belongings unattended … even briefly. Lockers are available for rent in the Shuniah, McIntyre and Aviation Centre...

Locker Locations (SAFE Campus)

Lockers at the McIntyre Building, Shuniah Building, and the Aviation Centre of Excellence are rented through the Locker Rental Program and are...

Locker Types (SAFE Campus)

There are three general types of lockers: Medium lockers (12 in. x 22.5 in.) – Shuniah Building and ACE corridors: suitable for storing a jacket...