Royal Roads University - Bachelor of Administration in Sustainability and International Business degree

Pathway Type:

Pathway OUT - Academic credits earned at Confederation College & formally recognized by another institution.

Institution Details:

Royal Roads University

Terms of Agreement

Royal Roads University

Victoria, British Columbia

Royal Roads University has agreed to facilitate the block transfer of students from Confederation College with appropriate prerequisite qualifications into the third year of the Bachelor of Administration in Sustainability and International Business degree. Applicants who meet the requirements outlined below will be eligible for admission into Royal Roads University with full block transfer provided all other entrance criteria are met and space remains available in the program.

Eligible individuals include graduates who have a minimum "B" (3.00/4.33) Grade Point Average from the following programs:

Business - Accounting

Business Administration - Accounting

Business - Human Resources

Business Administration - Human Resources 

Business - Marketing

Business Administration - Marketing


University Program:

  • Bachelor of Administration in Sustainability and International Business degree

Type of Agreement: Memorandum of Understanding

Contact Person(s):


Last updated: August 1, 2020