Paul Sarkissian


My insight, or words of advice regarding this program

I believe marketing is the most important business discipline. To paraphrase Peter Drucker, the core functions of business are marketing and innovation. Analytics and data are increasingly critical for timely and effective decision-making. Organizations today are not just looking for data but actionable insights.

How/Why I Become a Teacher?

Teaching is my second career; it was actually a happy accident. After my adventure as an entrepreneur and co-founder of a marketing research company, a door opened at a college in Southern Ontario. It's been both a challenging and rewarding experience: I'm immensely grateful to be pursuing one of my passions in northwestern Ontario.

My Educational Background & Qualifications

In addition to my undergraduate and graduate degrees, I have a variety of certifications in business, marketing and digital marketing.

My Hobbies & Other Interests

I enjoy traveling, photography, trekking in the wilderness, binge watching British detective shows with my wife, hanging out with our cat and eating pizza (in no particular order).