Anti-Human Trafficking with Joy Smith - Feb. 17 @ 12:30pm



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

Join us on Wednesday, February 17th from 12:30-2:00pm ET for an online Anti-Human Trafficking Workshop with Joy Smith.  ​

Thunder Bay, is a hub for human trafficking in Canada. Indigenous women are often targeted. As professionals, parents, students, and community members it is important that we know and understand the signs that someone might be trafficked, understand some of the stigmatization, and how we can help. Information is powerful.  

Elder Wanda Baxter, will open the event. Joy Smith will be facilitating the information session. She is known as a leading advocate against human trafficking worldwide, and was named an Honorary Chief by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs in Manitoba. 

Sign up on the Eventbrite page to get a reminder:


Or join the zoom meeting directly with the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 848 3852 1118
Passcode: Hem8iP


We hope to see you there for this important workshop. 
