Fall Term Blackboard Course Shells Now Available in Traditional Course View



Greenstone (Longlac)
Lake of the Woods (Kenora)

After receiving feedback on the limitations of specific features in the Blackboard Ultra course view, the College has decided to remain in the traditional course view for the 2021 fall semester.   These course shells are now available in the traditional view in Blackboard Learn.  

Any faculty who have developed their content expecting the Ultra course view, and wish to use the new modern interface can do so by contacting Dave Coates (dacoates@confederationcollege.ca) as soon as possible.  The College default will be the traditional course view but individual courses can be configured in the Ultra course view.

Note that the Confederation Online courses will be in Ultra course view only.

For your information, attached is the most recent comparison between the two alternatives (July 2021).  Blackboard is working on the shortcomings and has already resolved some of the issues of concern.
