
Confederation ConnectsUs

Join our New Online Alumni Community: Confederation ConnectsUs Confederation College Alumni is excited to launch a new platform to help alumni stay...

SAFE Campus App

Confederation College's SAFE Campus app is available for all campuses and is a direct line to Public Safety’s services, safety and emergency...

DegreeWorks - Student Information

What is DegreeWorks? New to Confederation College, DegreeWorks is a web-based assessment tool to assist you in tracking your progress throughout your...

FAQs for Prospective Students

Discover how to apply, explore programs, and navigate the selection process for Confederation College. Learn about prerequisites, competitive program...

Student Support Appointment Bookings

Schedule advisement appointments for recruitment, international students, financial aid, counseling, career services, and more. Secure your future...

Apprenticeship - Material Fees

How to Pay Material/Supply Fees for Apprenticeship Students Please make payment within 5 business days of starting classes. Confederation College has...