
Office Administration - Health

Confederation College’s Office Administration - Health two-year diploma program gives you the opportunity to develop the specialized skills you need...

Office Administration - Legal

This two-year Diploma program will provide you with the specialized procedural and administrative skills necessary to become an integral member of a...

Addiction and Mental Health

Are you passionate and caring? Are you looking for practical training that will help you have a positive impact on the lives of those with mental...

Health Informatics

Evidence-based and data-driven decision making increasingly characterize operational and funding decisions in the healthcare sector. As a result...

Business Fundamentals

You’ve been told you have a mind for business, but what kind of business will that be? Find out what interests you most with Confederation College’s...

Legal Skills

In this program students will learn the basic administrative functions in a legal office. Students will gain an understanding of terms, forms...

General Arts and Science - Diploma

You know that a college education will help you reach your career goals. But what you’re not quite sure of yet is what that career might be...

Recreation Therapy - Accelerated

Recreation is important for everyone as a way to relax and keep balance in their lives. But for some with physical, cognitive, emotional and/or social...

Social Service Worker - Accelerated

Social service work is an extremely broad field. But at its heart, social service work is all about one thing: helping people. Are you a people...